Timing and Spacing Assignment

Our first animation allowed us to nail the basics of animation, timing and spacing, while getting us used to the Harmony software. In this assignment, we had to create 4 animations of a ball in linear timing, slow-in/slow-out, ease-in, and ease-out. There were two others that were not required for the assignment and those were: vibrate and overshoot and settle. The linear timing was the ball moving at a constant rate. A slow-in/slow-out is where the ball is slow at the beginning and ends, but super fast in the middle. An ease-in is slow in the beginning and fast at the end, while a slow-out is the opposite and the ball is fast in the beginning and slows at the end.

It took me a while to get comfortable with the Wacom tablet. I had never used one before and I was aggravated when it would draw and the pen was not touching the surface of the tablet. Luckily, I did some searching on google and found that you can adjust that setting.

Here is my finished assignment:


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