Overlapping Action and Follow Through Assignment

For the overlapping and animation assignment, we were tasked with animating a moving platform with a pendulum attached to it which had to react realistically.  I decided to stick with a rectangle and ball because I wanted to be able to get the pendulum right and have it look good. To complete this assignment the rectangle had to move in a slow-in/slow-out timing while the ball and string reacted to that movement. Objects take a second to start moving if they are attached to something else, so the ball had to act like it was trying to stay in place at the beginning when the platform starts moving.

I thought that animating the pendulum part at the end was very therapeutic. There was a lot of copy and paste and pivoting. The pendulum itself moved in a slow-in/slow-out motion but at a curve because of the string. A big challenge was keeping the string the same size.

Here is my final product:


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